One click TV downloads

logo_entourage.pngI started talking to someone about using the internet to download TV shows and they at first were excited as I continued talking their eyes were glazed over as I rattled off things like – feed reader, RSS feeds, BitTorrent, dot torrent files, DivX, Xvid, etc… Then I realized maybe I should put together a short tutorial on it.

The basic concept is to download TV shows with a single click, however to get to that point there is some behind the scenes tweaks that take place. Although this tutorial is based around a Mac, it’s very similiar on a Windoze platform.

The programs I use on my Mac to accomplish this are:
Firefox – web browser
Vienna – RSS reader
Transmission – BitTorrent client

1. Go to and find the shows you would like to watch, let’s stay you select Entourage
2. Once the page loads for Entourage, right click on “Search-based RSS Feed” and select “Copy Link Location”
3. Launch Vienna and select “New Subscription”, the link should be already pasted in the dialog box, then just select Subscribe
4. Within Firefox go to “Preferences – content – files types” then select Manage. Make sure the action for “Torrent” files are to open with the program Transmission
5. Now you are all set to try it. Refresh your feeds with Vienna, select the latest show from Entourage and it should automatically start downloading via Transmission. If it doesn’t start, then it might take you to Firefox, where you will have to click once more to start the downloading.


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